
KB Beauty Pack

  • BEAUTY FROM WITHIN KB BEAUTY PACK If your skin is starting to sag, giving it a boost with creams may no longer work especially that our skin is exposed to damage everyday. You need a complete beauty package that gives total skin nourishment like KB Beauty Pack Food Supplement. It’s all you need to be truly beautiful and skip expensive botox and needle treatments. Experts agree that at age 21, collagen production slows down. In fact, we start losing 1% of collagen each year at 40. Sustained collagen levels keep the skin supple and plump that is why we need to take KB Collagen which is a part of KB Beauty Pack. Collagen is important because it makes the skin firm and prevents wrinkles. KB Collagen tab also contains CoQ10 that induces collagen and elastin production ensuring firmness and skin health. Plus, it is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals and prevents pre-mature aging. Vitamin E, which completes the anti-aging bundle of KB Collagen, works overtime to reduce wrinkles and keep the skin youthful-looking. Luminous and flawless skin is possible with L-Glutathione Plus NAC and Rosehips capsules found in KB Beauty Pack. KB Glutathione plus NAC (N-ACETYLCYSTEINE) is a skin whitening superstar celebrated for its powerful antioxidant property that eliminates free radicals that damage the skin. Aside from this, L-Glutathione interrupts melanin production, so it brings the skin back to its purest, fairest tone. Meanwhile, Rosehips contains high amount of Vitamin C, antioxidants and essential fatty acids that correct dark spots, soothe dryness, and reduce fine lines. KB Beauty Pack comes with KB Premium Whitening Lotion for free. This delightfully sweet-smelling lotion has Licorice root extract that prevents skin darkness and pure berries extracts that hydrate the skin and pump up collagen and elastin levels. Among others, KB Premium Whitening Lotion contains Lactobacillus/ Soybean Ferment, the latest skincare fad known to protect the skin, fight aging and keep the skin luminous. Level up your skin regimen. Choose KB Beauty Pack Food Supplement and be fresh, fair and beautiful like a real K-beauty.






KB Beauty Pack

1 KB Glutanac 30caps with KB Rosehips 30caps 
3 KB Collagen 30tablets 
1 Premium Whitening Lotion

The Truth About Oral Glutathione Supplementation Revealed

Glutathione is probably one of the most-hyped health supplements yet basically misunderstood. With so many brands being offered in the market today, how well do you really know this super supplement which is famous to Filipinos who want to have a whiter, fairer skin?

Not too many people know that glutathione is in fact the most potent antioxidant currently known to man. The human body naturally produces glutathione and considered most important because it is found within the cell. Aware that a big number of Filipinos want to lighten their skin color, most glutathione companies’ marketing strategy have strong focus in its properties to make one’s skin fairer and at the same time, protecting it from ravages of ageing.

KB Beauty Pack(1 Kb Glutanac plus Rosehips, 3 KB Collagen and 1 KB Premium Lotion)

There’s one thing that so called experts in the industry are reluctant to boldly state one unmistakable fact: L-Glutathione is poorly absorbed orally— whether reduced, oxidized, or any other forms. Glutathione is a single bond tri-peptide thiol consisting of three amino acids which are cystine, glutamic acid, and glycine. When taken orally, l-cysteine loses 85 percent of its sulfur group, the active component of glutathione during the digestion process. This inherent weakness of glutathione is due to its unstable bonded, tripeptide form which makes it susceptible to stomach enzyme attack. Simply put, this means that only less than half of the supplemental glutathione is absorbed through the digestive system.

Some glutathione brands are formulated with alpha lipolic acid (ALA) which is supposed to be a glutathione booster. However, ALA is yet another form of unstable acid that loses much of its sulfur and sulfuhydryl components—which is practically useless as a glutathione booster.

Taking all these studies to heart, the KB glutathione plus nac (we called it kb glutatione activator plus nac or simply as KB glutanac has come up a unique formulation of glutathione, the only kind that is available in the market today. It is complete with three free-form amino acid components l-cysteine, glycine, glutamic acid plus formulated with N-ACETYLCYSTEINE (NAC) and cystine, which is another glutathione precursor. To further complement this one-of-a-kind blend that is recommended to be taken once a day only, the complete package also comes with a 30capsules KB rosehips, which is also a great help in amino acid absorption because it aids in its synthesis.

But what is NAC? Dr. Robert Atkins of the famed “Atkins’ Diet” emphasized that glutathione cannot be discussed apart from NAC. It has a property to raise the body’s glutathione level that cannot be achieved by oral supplementation alone, thus considered as the best glutathione booster. Glutathione levels cannot be increased by orally ingesting it since it is being processed inside the cell.

However, the manufacture of glutathione in cells depends on the concentration of its precursor, cysteine. Thus, supplements that increase glutathione must provide this amino acid. The fact remains that glutathione levels cannot be increased by ingesting oral cysteine because it is potentially toxic and spontaneously destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. N-acetylcysteine is the bioavailable form of cysteine and dramatically increases the body’s production of glutathione, the brain’s most important scavenger of free radicals. Undoubtedly, NAC is far better in raising the body’s glutathione levels than just glutathione alone—and this fact can be easily confirmed by researching about glutathione supplementation via internet.

Silly as it may sound, others will mislead you that glutathione is known as a skin whitener. The complete fact is this: skin will only become fairer and younger looking if there’s a precursor that can increase the glutathione levels. Furthermore, it is a great injustice to peddle around the idea of raising the body’s glutathione levels as a mere skin whitening method.
To those who abhor the idea of changing Filipinos’ envied classic brown color, here are other reasons why you should consider taking glutathione supplement with NAC: it serves as an antioxidant, immune system booster, detoxifier, helps the body rid itself of strong metals, plus NAC is proven to detoxify the kidneys, since it is considered as a good liver cleanser. Smokers who are experiencing bronchopulmonary disease such as chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, sinusitis, and pneumonia are advised to take NAC, because it reduces the viscosity of the mucous. Aside from that, it is also recommended that persons who have autism, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue, HIV, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and those who are suffering from acetaminophen toxicity should take it. But does everyone really need Kyusoku Bihaku or glutathione in general? The answer is yes. Even if you are relatively healthy, has a sensible diet, and with low-stress lifestyle, you still can benefit from a preventive nutritional program that will build up your body’s nutrient reserves, balance, while detoxifying it at the same time. That way, you will not be afraid of being deficient that may lead to breakdown and illness.
Through the years, KB has continuously evolved with a consistent high-quality standard of glutathione in order to keep up with the best formulation.

Another good news is if you are a Muslim, you can certainly enjoy the benefits of this unique formula since the capsule itself is manufactured under strict kosher and pareve (without meat or dairy) guidelines. KB is a colorless or vegetarian capsule made of 100 percent plant cellulose or vegetable capsules and not porcine gelatin that conforms to Halal and Kosher requirements.


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